For Freya
If you're visiting our web site today, chances are you know about Freya, the little 4-week old kitten who has a serious birth defect that makes it nearly impossible for her to eliminate. We're helping our friends at Animals in Distress raise funds for Freya so she can get the CT scan, blood work, radiographs and eventual surgery that may give her the quality of life she deserves.
We've already provided a grant of $1000.00 to Newtown Veterinary Services (NVS) to go towards Freya's care. We expect we'll need to raise an additional $1500-$2000 over the next few days. We're asking Freya's friends to please donate to our General Fund-the donation widget is to the right. ALL donations that come in this week will go directly to Freya's care. If there is any additional funding we will bank it for her followup visits.
Thanks to NVS for supporting rescue efforts by giving rescues a generous discount, which certainly helps a great deal to lesson the burden of fundraising and makes it possible for us to help kittens like Freya.
We're sending our love and prayers to little Freya. We don't know if she will be a candidate for surgery or if she will have complications. All we can do is proceed thoughtfully and respectfully with regards to her future—which we all hope will be a happy and healthy one.