Be Part of Our Rescue Mission: The Feral50.

Kitten Associates was founded to help cats and kittens who are in dire situations, like high-kill shelters on "death row" or facing a tough life on the streets. We're a small organization but we always help cats and people however we can.

Two weeks ago we learned that there was a huge feral cat colony in neighboring Waterbury, CT. There were estimates of it ranging from 43 to over 60 cats. It's winter and we're taking our first "break" from rescue in six years, but with this news we decided not to relax and hope someone else would help these cats.

Kitty Sick
©2017 Robin AF Olson. Waterbury1 is now recovering from surgery to remove all of her infected teeth.

We've teamed up with a number of rescues, trappers and other volunteers to help raise funds, trap cats, get injured or sick ones treatment, get them ALL spayed/neutered, and relocate friendly or young cats into rescues to find forever homes.

It's an unbelievably complicated, difficult process run by people who have never worked together before. Everyone is working very hard but we can't do this without the financial support of our community.


To date we have already TNR'd (Trap, neutered, returned), 10 cats. Of those 10, 1, nicknamed Waterbury1, was so sick with a horrific gum infection, that she was near death when we rescued her. She got the care she needed and is being adopted into a loving home. Some of the cats appear to be abandoned strays, and others, who are truly feral, will be returned or we will carefully relocate them to barn homes. Every cat will be tended to, vetted and as many as possible will be placed into rescue to find a loving forever home if that's what is best for them.


Lots of cats r olson
©2017 Robin AF Olson. Just some of the many Feral50 cats.

What we need:

• Help transporting cats from Waterbury, CT to Stratford, CT to get their vetting done. (on as needed basis)

• Someone strong with a van or pickup truck that can make one trip to deliver feral cat shelters from Newtown, CT to Waterbury, CT (one trip only)

FUNDS to provide Spay/Neuter can be directed to Nutmeg Clinic. Please add a note with your donation that the funds go to "Kitten Associates/Feral50"

FUNDS to provide VET CARE beyond simple spays/neuters. Some cats have upper respiratory tract infections. One has a limp that needs tending to and others may have worse injuries or illness. We just raised $1400 for Waterbury1, but we have nothing left for any other cats who need help.

Use the "DONATE TODAY" button on the right side of our main page or visit our DONATE PAGE. Either way please add a note "Feral50" with your donation so we'll direct the funds appropriately.

You can also mail a check to: Kitten Associates, P.O. Box 354, Newtown, CT 06470-0354 Put a note on the check "Feral50".

Kitten Associates is a 501c3 non-profit so your donation is tax deductible.

If you want to be part of this rescue mission, please contact us at THANK YOU!

UPDATE: 2/7/17 to date we have trapped 32 cats. Some were very sick and are getting care. A few are friendly and we're finding homes for those kitties. We still have a long way to go and still are in dire need of help to move two feral shelters from Newtown, CT to Waterbury (just one trip with a pickup). We also need funds and help transporting trapped cats to Nutmeg Clinic in Stratford, CT from either Waterbury or possibly Newtown. Please contact us at the email addrss above if you'd like to be part of our rescue mission! 

2016 Holiday Hours


Happy Holidays!

We wish you all a loved, joyful, delightful holiday season.

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered, adopted and donated (or all three) to our 100% volunteer, home-foster network, cat and kitten rescue. We couldn't save lives without each and every one of you doing your part and for that we're very grateful.


Christmas 2016 KA copy

For the first time since we opened in 2010, and after giving up our holiday each year, to help our community heal after the tragedy in our town, we've decided that this year we need to take time for ourselves to rest and renew our love for what we do.


With that in mind, we will be CLOSED from Friday, December 23, 2016 to January 1, 2017. We will NOT be responding to e-mails or calls during that time. Of course, if you've adopted from us and have any behavioral difficulties or other non-life-threatening issues with your cat, you can always reach us. Any vet-related emergency, as always, please contact your vet or local emergency vet hospital directly.


Any adoption inquiries will be handled after the first of the New Year.

Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to saving more lives in 2017!

Saving Sweet Annie

Annie may be one of the sweetest, cutest kittens we've ever rescued, but now she needs your help. Two months ago Annie had to have emergency surgery to repair an intussusception, which is a life-threatening blockage of the intestinal tract. Annie did really well post-surgery and we thought all we had to do was focus on finding her, and her brother, Andy, their forever home.

Lovely Annie R Olson

But something wasn't quite right with Annie. She was low energy, though she ate well and didn't show any outward signs of illness. Just to be sure, we took Annie to the Vet to find out she is both anemic and has high white blood cells, which means there is some sort of infectious process going on.

Annie requires a lot more vet care and most urgently, an ultrasound of her abdomen to find out if this problem is related to her surgery or something entirely different.


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Regardless of what it is, we are committed to making sure Annie gets the care she needs, but we can't do that without YOU. We are 100% Volunteer organization and run entirely by donations from people like you.



Please consider making a gift to help our little calico by using the "DONATE TODAY" button to the right side of the page. Your gift will do directly to Annie's Fund and anything over our urgent need will be set aside for anything else she or her foster kittens buddies might need.


You can also share your love using these quick links:

To donate $5:

To donate $10:

To donate $25:

To donate whatever you wish:

Our goal is to raise $1500 by Thursday, Dec 15th. Every dollar counts and if you can't provide a donation, please consider sharing Annie's story. That helps, too.

To mail a check, make it out to: Kitten Associates, P.O. Box 354, Newtown, CT 06470-0354

Your gift is tax deductible. Kitten Associates is a 501c3 non-profit. Our EIN Tax ID is 27-3597692. Thank you for helping Annie!

If you have any questions about Annie or any of our foster cats and kittens, just contact us at

Annie 650 in carrier


Feed a Kitten

Target Kitten Essentials

Freya and Friends Fund

Fred Fund