Robin Olson's blog

5 Ways to Help that Don't Cost a Dime

Like any rescue, we constantly need funds more than anything else. Vet care costs rise all the time and most of our resources go to paying our vet bill. But what happens if you still want to help, but don't funds available for donations? Here are some ways you can help that don't cost you a dime.

1. Hostess a Fundraiser

If you're on Facebook, Hostess a Fundraiser for Kitten Associates! It's FREE to do and we get the funds automatically deposited into our account after you've raised $100!

Click this LINK to start your own fundraiser. What's amazing is it's SO EASY to do. You can celebrate and honor a loved one's birthday, anniversary or "just because" you love cats so much.

2. Foster a Cat or Kitten

If you live IN or NEAR Newtown, CT and love cats, we'd love to hear from you! Did you know we have a home-foster network of volunteers who graciously open a room in their home to use for fostering our mama-cats and kittens (or orphan kittens just never know!). You don't have to pay for supplies or vet care or food, WE PAY FOR EVERYTHING! You provide the loving home. All skill-levels are welcome. We will train you or be glad you already know the ropes! This is a great way to teach children about compassion and helping others. It can take a few weeks to longer, but we'll always work with you to set up an easy fostering experience and if you feel it's not for you we always take the cats back ASAP.

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©2018 Robin AF Olson. Wyatt Derp. Born 3/31/18 in our home.

3. Become a Kitten Associate

We need volunteers to do all sorts of things like help plan an event, do data entry (we need a lot of help with data entry), PLAY WITH KITTENS and help us socialize them, or take photos, videos, write a press release or grant application. If you have a special skill or just love cats, we can use your help. You can decide how often you want to volunteer so you never have to feel like you'll get overloaded with requests. We run Kitten Associates like a big family and we want everyone to have fun.

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©2018 Robin AF Olson. Daphne and her 4 healthy kittens who would have been born outside with on one to care for them if we hadn't stepped in to help. Without good foster homes we can't save more lives.

4. Like to Haggle?

Yeah, let's just say we're a bit shy here. It's tough for us to ask for lower prices on things we buy all the time-like cat food and litter, and we also need bigger cost items from time to time. Some day we'd like to raffle gift baskets and we'd need items donated for that. Are you an outgoing person with a sparkling personality? Do you like to schmooze vendors to get good deals? Let us know!

5. Host or Co-Host an Online Auction

Organize and inspire folks to donate goods and services for us to auction off online to raise funds for our rescue. Grab a friend or two to help you to make it even more fun! We'll help you promote the auction and we can design all the social media graphics. We even have a few cool pieces to start the auction off with. Ideally, we would like someone in the Newtown, CT area to take this on, but we're open to working with someone out-of-state who has experience doing an online auction. This would be a fun task for 2019. If you know someone who might be a great person for this special project please let them know.

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©2018 Robin AF Olson. Our summer kittens, Buzzbee, Bingham, Nate & Nick and Bettina on their way to the Vet for a checkup. They had little chance to survive the kill-shelter we were in so we took them into our rescue program along with their mom, Matilda.


#GivingTuesday is an annual, worldwide effort to help garner donations for non-profits. This year, we're hoping to raise $5000 to keep our rescue programs going. Our Mascot for Giving Tuesday is a very special kitten named Pistachio.

Pistachio at NCC
©2018 Robin AF Olson. Covered in engine oil, filled with horrific parasites, the tip of his tail was frostbitten, we meet Pistachio for the first time.

Pistachio was found inside the engine of a diesel truck on a very cold winter day this past January. He was covered in engine grease and loaded with parasites. One of the parasites is a rare one, not often seen in the northeast called Lungworm and it gave him a horrible cough. On top of that, Pistachio had a number of additional health issues that required nearly 30 vet visits, a difficult surgery, and thousands in vet care.

Pistachio Giving Tues
©2018 Robin AF Olson. Pistachio after a month in our rescue, already starting to feel good for the first time in his life!

We're 100% volunteer run, 501c3 non-profit organization, so when you make a gift to us, it goes to the care and feeding of our rescue cats and kittens, not to a marketing firm or a fundraising company. We do not receive large grants or gifts so every dollar is precious to us.

We can't provide for kittens like 'stache without all of you by our side. I hope you'll consider taking part in #GivingTuesday2018 with a gift.

Donate in lots of ways: Use our PayPal Me link, via Venmo: Kitten Associates, or mail a check to: Kitten Associates, P.O. Box 354, Newtown, CT 06570-0354. You can also join our big FUNDRAISER on Facebook, where you'll be able to see our progress and chat with other live-saving donors!

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©2018 Robin AF Olson. Pistachio today.

Thank you to everyone who has supported our efforts for over 8 years. Every dollar means the world to us!

A Happy Ending for One Special Kitty

In April we rescued Chanel, from horrific conditions, in an apartment where she'd lived with 17 other cats, trapped inside for 3-months. Luckily someone fed the cats every few days during the time she was abandoned, but the filth was so severe it sickened all of us who entered the property.

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©2018 Robin AF Olson. Overturned mattress was filled with cat feces. There were no litter pans in the home so the cats urinated everywhere.

Chanel, unfazed by her ordeal, was happy, affectionate and grateful to have a clean, safe, loving foster home with her new foster mom and dad, Traci and Paul.

They did a great job helping Chanel feel secure and loved but they were sad because they knew a cat as sweet as Chanel deserved a forever home, but no one seemed to be interested in her.

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©2018 Robin AF Olson. Sweet Chanel.

Being a 5-yr old cat, meant it would be difficult for us to find her a home when there were so many cute kittens up for adoption. After 6 long months, Chanel found her place. A lovely couple, who live in a quiet home with an elderly, sweet, doggie, asked to meet Chanel. It was love at first sight for Nancy and her hubby, Jeff. Nancy particularly bonded with Chanel right away and Chanel clearly liked her new friend.

A few weeks have passed since Chanel, now nicknamed, "Nell," began her new life. Nancy reports that Chanel is charming, has a funny me-ow and likes to chat with Nancy a lot. Nell is getting used to the doggie and found her new favorite place, sitting on Nancy's lap while she works on the computer.

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Nell in her favorite place-on her mama, Nancy's lap.

Chanel's life could have ended in a kitchen cupboard where she'd made herself a nest, as she wondered where her family went and why there was no one to love her any more. Her family gave up on her, but we didn't. That's our job at Kitten Associates-to make sure every cat we rescue gets whatever they need and that we do what it takes, give it as much time as needed, for all of cats to find their truly forever home.


Latest Blog Post

Help Pom Pom Walk

We tried. We tried so hard, but now we need you.

Pom Pom Pomegranate has no chance of walking without discomfort unless we remove her back left leg. It’s taken us 10 months, specialist visits, tests, treatments, and zillions of hours of physical therapy to come to this decision. We need all of you to make it happen.

We need to raise $6,000. by March 9th.

Give Pom Pom the gift of less pain and a chance to walk more easily.

You can use PayPal

Venmo @KittenAssociates 

Checks: made out to Kitten Associates, P.O. Box 354, Newtown, CT 06470-0354

Why Now?

Pom Pom is almost a year old. Her body will not improve beyond what we've been able to do for her.

Imagine you have to keep your leg stretched out. You can’t bend it. You can’t support yourself on your foot because it bends backward at an awkward angle. The weight of the malformed leg forces your back to twist unnaturally. It causes shocks of nerve pain. How can you live like that?

Pom Pom can’t continue to live like this.

We know there are surgical risks. We’ve done extra testing to be as safe as we can be. Will this surgery make everything perfect? No, but her back leg hinders her mobility, so we feel this is her best option. We have to try for Pom Pom.

 We can do it with you by our side.

Your gift is tax-deductible as we are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.