A Purebred Siberian with an Amazing Lineage Needs a Home

Stormy is a purebred (with papers), 9-yr old Siberian cat. Her lineage is astounding. Her dad was imported from Russia and her grandfather is in the movie: Nine Lives. This beautiful lady is losing her home because of her mom's allergies.


Emotionally, Stormy is a diamond-in-the-rough. She's cranky with strangers, but she's perfection with her mom. In time, we know she'll be lovey-dovey with her new family, but they have to be patient with her.


Stormy Portrait 1200

Stormy loves to "talk" especially when she's ready for dinner. She'll do best in a quiet home with experienced cat-parent/s who will give her time to adjust and become friends. She's lived with a dog and kids, but we're not so sure she's all that happy with so much activity.

Stormy has had excellent vet care every year and just got updated on her vaccinations. She also got a (not the best) lion-cut because she does not (currently) care to be groomed.

We believe Stormy could become used to being groomed in the right home, so her luxurious coat could finally be seen. She has cute white paws and sparkling eyes. Because she's a purebred cat her adoption fee is: $250.00

Stormy Meow

If you'd like to know more about Stormy, contact us at info@kittenassociates.org or fill out a Pre-Adoption Application.


MAY 14, 2017 UPDATE: Happy Mother's Day! Stormy was just adopted into a loving home!

MAY 21, 2017 UPDATE: Sadly, Stormy's adoption fell through. Her new family felt over stressed caring for a cat so Stormy is available to be adopted again. This time we are looking for EXPERIENCED CAT PARENT/S who have a quiet home and who can handle Stormy's "stormy" personality. She will be angry being re-located again and distressed but she will also calm down and seek out love as soon as she feels safe and confident in her new home. That's why we are looking for an experienced, calm, patient person or family who can finally give Stormy what she needs.

June 21, 2017 UPDATE: We believe Stormy may be in some mesure of pain due to her being front-paw declawed. She's having tests done and being evaluated to determine if she has a medical issue or a behavioral one. For now we are taking Stormy off our web site and Petfinder until we feel we have a better understanding of her needs and what her new family will need to know about her. She's in foster care in a loving home.

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Help Pom Pom Walk

We tried. We tried so hard, but now we need you.

Pom Pom Pomegranate has no chance of walking without discomfort unless we remove her back left leg. It’s taken us 10 months, specialist visits, tests, treatments, and zillions of hours of physical therapy to come to this decision. We need all of you to make it happen.

We need to raise $6,000. by March 9th.

Give Pom Pom the gift of less pain and a chance to walk more easily.

You can use PayPal

Venmo @KittenAssociates 

Checks: made out to Kitten Associates, P.O. Box 354, Newtown, CT 06470-0354

Why Now?

Pom Pom is almost a year old. Her body will not improve beyond what we've been able to do for her.

Imagine you have to keep your leg stretched out. You can’t bend it. You can’t support yourself on your foot because it bends backward at an awkward angle. The weight of the malformed leg forces your back to twist unnaturally. It causes shocks of nerve pain. How can you live like that?

Pom Pom can’t continue to live like this.

We know there are surgical risks. We’ve done extra testing to be as safe as we can be. Will this surgery make everything perfect? No, but her back leg hinders her mobility, so we feel this is her best option. We have to try for Pom Pom.

 We can do it with you by our side.

Your gift is tax-deductible as we are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.