GET READY! Our 11, wait, only 9 (one just got adopted! and one caught a cold and will be coming here as soon as he feels better) rescue-kittens, the #SweetSuperheroes will be arriving around 8PM EST TONIGHT. MAKE SURE YOU BOOKMARK these links to our LIVE WEB CAMS so you can watch the kittens run, play, wrestle and sleep out of a cage for the first time in far too long.
The Caped Coconut is just one of our many rescue kittens who were going to be put to sleep because their municipal animal control had run out of space. We just couldn't let that happen.
Secret Agent Pudding has an almost twin sister, Secret Agent Parfait. They will both be up for adoption early in August!
We'll be posting photos of all our rescue kitties once they are settled so make sure you come back to see them. They'll all be ready to be adopted in a few weeks! Inquiries just contact us at
We're also looking for volunteers to come over for 30-60 minutes to play and snuggle with our kittens! Contact us at the email address above for details.
*NOTE: During certain times of the day the web cams may be turned off for a few minutes to an hour or more so the folks who scoop the litter pans or have snuggle time with the kittens get some privacy.