King, Transformed

It's been a little over a month since King (Arthur) was rescued off the streets. This amazing creature survived a serious birth defect leaving him to hobble along on his front paws-his back paws never developed. His back legs are a and inch or two short and end in either a callus or a partial paw pad.

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King, the day he was rescued.

But King is a survivor and nothing gets him down. While in foster care King has thrived. His once filthy coat is shiny and clean. His body is no longer too thin now that he's put on some weight. King's been to an Orthopedic Vet and given a clean bill of health. There's really nothing we need to do other than find King a great home.

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King's amazing transformation. Yes, it IS the same cat!

King loves three things: People, Belly Rubs & Other Cats. We want to find him a very special home with all of those things, plus this home MUST have either wall to wall carpeting OR LOTS of big area rugs. King cannot easily get around on wood, ceramic or vinyl floors. The thicker surface of a rug or carpeting allows him to walk on all fours, instead of only on his front legs.

If you're interested in giving a VERY sweet, loving, 1 year old kitty a home, please contact us at for more information.