Congratulations, Tater Tot!

It's been seven long months since we first rescued Tater Tot from near death, living on the streets. Tater was covered in fleas, starving, full of parasites and sick with an upper respiratory tract infection.

After endless trips to the Vet and loving care from his foster mom, Maria, Tater survived and became one of our most cherished foster cats. A few days ago, Tater was finally adopted!

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Thank you so much to Maria and the many people who sent us donations so we could provide for Tater and others like him. Without you we can't save lives!

Congratulations, Tater and his new family! We hope you'll be happy for a long time to come.

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If you'd like to be part of our life-saving team or help us with a donation, simply click on the donation button to the right or email us at to find out how you can join our team!